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How long does it usually take for shipping?
Your order will reach you in estimated 5-14 business days - depends on location and small / large parcel. We deliver to 48 Contiguous United States.


Where will my order be shipped from ?
Our distribution facility is located at Carrollton, Texas


How to track my delivery?
We process orders within hours during business days and will be picked up in the next 1-2 business days. Package will be scanned on the truck and by system, when an order is fulfilled, the tracking number will automatically be sent directly to your registered e-mail.


Do you ship your furniture assembled?
Most of our products are shipped in flat pack so assembly will be required. But we always make sure our furniture is easy and quick to assemble by providing clear manual guide in every box packaging and you can also view or download the pdf guide on every product page.


How do I maintain my patio furniture?
Click this page for Care & Maintenance from Cambridge Casual


What are my payment options?
We accept payment using these Credit Cards: VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, JCB and Diners Club.


What kind of warranty do you offer for the furniture?
To view our warranty for furniture by Cambridge Casual click here: Cambridge Casual Product Warranty


Can I cancel my order ?
Orders will be processed within hours during business days. Hence any order cancellation request will not be confirmed immediately. Cancellation will be processed and coordinated with the shipping department. If the package already shipped out, customer will be charged for reroute cost to ship the package back to our warehouse.


What is Cambridge Casual return & refund policy?
To view our return policy click here: Cambridge Casual Return & Refund


Can I change my account information?
You can always revise, edit or delete your account information by clicking My Account icon at the top righthand corner.


Do you offer discount to the trade ?
Yes! We are open to build B2B cooperation with business owners, interior designers, architects, and home builders all over the United States. For more information click here: Cambridge Casual Trade Partner


I have more question
Please reach us through email: or simply submit your question through below form - our friendly customer care will be gladly to assist you.